Education Resources - connect2

Open hours

RW/007 resources collection/return:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday = 08:00 - 16:15

Wednesday = 08:00 - 12:30

Saturday and Sunday = Closed

*Wherever possible collections and returns will be via RW/007 foyer.


Contact us


Phone: 01904 876495

Office: RW/007


Specialist Technical Team - Education

York St John University,

Lord Mayor’s Walk, York, YO31 7EX

Follow us on: X

Useful links

How to book equpiment - a guide on how to search for and book specialist Education resources.

How to book equpiment - extra info for staff - a guide on how to search for and book specialist Education resources for teaching.

Ripon Wing 007 Collections & Returns Area - general info

Covid 19 guidance - an overview of the additional safety measures in place when accessing and using resources in Education.

Education Resources Moodle site - useful information on our specialist resources.

York St John University homepage


Welcome to our new booking system, Connect2! We hope you enjoy the benefits of this new system and welcome any feedback you wish to share.